Homework isn’t just for school - it can make therapy much more effective and rewarding. Self-study helps build confidence and mastery in the skills and concepts we use in session. Here are some of my favorites…

Currently Reading

Currently Reading

Taking Samantha Craft’s checklist of autistic traits led me down a path to explore my own neurodivergent traits and how they’ve affected my life. Dr. Price uses their own experience, along with cutting edge research, to reframe autism and masking in ways that are less stigmatizing and more inclusive, especially to a late-diagnosed population.

Yes, generational differences do exist. And you’re allowed to ask for what you need as an adult.

Authors We Love:

  • Jon Kabat-Zinn

    Evidence-based stress reduction? Proven method to calm your anxiety and be more present? This is your guy! After taking a stress and meditation class at the University of Utah, my life was greatly improved by his work.

  • Brene Brown

    Everyone’s favorite shame researcher is a prolific writer, tackling topics from vulnerability to leadership to emotions with humor and accessibility.

  • Esther Perel

    This link takes you to Esther’s website, where you’ll find more of her content, like her podcast “Where Should We Begin?”

YouTube Channels We Love:

  • Self-Help Toons

    Quick, easy-to-understand videos from a psychotherapist to help you learn CBT, DBT, and other skills on the go.

  • Yoga With Adriene

    Appropriate for all levels, Adriene’s humor and weekly free videos are just the tip of the iceberg. Sign up for her newsletter, follow on Instagram, or join the annual January 30-day challenges. #findwhatfeelsgood

  • Esther Perel

    Relationship therapist and bestselling author, Esther is not shy about sex, desire, or what drives modern relationships.

  • TED talks

    Hit Visit and you’ll be directed to Brene Brown’s Vulnerability talk, but TED can help you go deeper in understanding almost anything - from addiction, to trauma, to attachment, or body language.

  • Boho Beautiful Yoga

    Added for their meditations, which were client favorites at the residential program I worked at. Usually less than 15 mins and positive without being obnoxious.

  • The Gottman Institute

    With over 40 years of research behind it, Gottman Method Couples Therapy is one of the leading models in the field. Get to know John and Julie, the Four Horsemen, or what makes marriage work here.